Of course, there were many film makers who saw the song as an intrinsic part of the narrative and invested in it deep meaning, but it is also tue that in many cases, poetry was insinuated into the song without it being necessarily demanded. Interestingly, the Hindi film song was a cunning device to inject fineness into a form that very often catered to mainstream tastes, to smuggle in an artisitic mode of expression into a larger text that often lacked too much room for subtlety. Songs needed to fit into the lives of characters on the screen and in doing so, they found a way of sliding effortlessly into the lives of those who watched the films, becoming soundtracks to countless lives. The fact that the most popular form of music in India has been the film song, which in turn has been part of the playback singing tradition meant that songs needed to have very specific meanings. The intricate nature of the melody, grooved and creviced, makes one sing with fierce concentration, as the fine lines of song are faithfully retraced.Ī key aspect of enjoying old songs comes from the words. Part of the magic lies in the melody, so often deeply melancholic with a sadness that sinks hearts into the floor of one’s self. Thoroughly disliked martinets turn into pictures of liquid soulfulness, complete with quivering chins once they embark on a Hemant Kumar song. The eyes invariably close, the face recedes to a place far away, and every word is enunciated with expressive nuance, as an intricate melody is retrieved from the words.
There is something beautiful about the way a person sings an old Hindi film song.